Release 16th March 2023


  • Button for quick access to our knowledge base / help has been added next to the User Profile Tab
  • Added Help button for Excel import


  • Card Payments – if payment fails, much more detailed information about the issue from a payment gateway is shown
  • Cargo Item Templates
  • Default Name filter has been changed to ‘Contains’ instead of ‘Starts with’
  • When importing multiple items with same Name by accident, proper error information is shown for each item
  • When import of an item fails because of wrong weight in relation to the piece count, better error info is shown
  • When importing ‘indivisible’ weight/piece count relation, the result weight is now being rounded
  • Improved layout of Successful Registration page


  • Shipment import – items with error are now highlighted red
  • API – Names of system Cargo Spaces are now correctly localized
  • Passwords can now contain characters ‘<‘ and ‘>’

Release 13th March 2023


  • Automatic Shipment Archivation and Deletion shipments are now being automatically archived (and deleted if set so). More info in corresponding Journal post.


  • Improved positioning of Incodocs banner

Release 17th February 2023


  • Fixed issue in weight distribution which caused Semitrailer/Flatbed maximal pressure on a kingpin to remain the same after removing an attached truck

Hotfix 24th January 2023


  • Fixed issue in manual load, when automatic rotation of cargo item could break placement of subsequent items on this cargo item

Release 20th January 2023


  • Fixed User Edit form in Users grid for Catalan language

Hotfix 16th January 2023


  • Total Volume percentage value in Print Report has been fixed to show proper value

Release 6th January 2023


  • Cargo space Duplication – added functionality for duplication of any existing cargo space (in the Cargo spaces grid)
  • When nothing has been loaded because of oversized/overweight cargo items, warning message is displayed
  • New Language – Catalan
  • Added Total Price column to the current Subscription info
  • Added link to the Online Store to the Activation Key page


  • Manual load – when a Cargo item is being automatically rotated to fit, right side up takes precedence over upside down
  • When everything has been loaded using the Remove Loaded items functionality, another click on Load button won’t automatically add additional items
  • Warning that entered Cargo item dimensions are too small is now displayed every time, not just on first run
  • Increased max number of One Day Tickets in an order


Release 9th November 20229 Nov 2022


  • Added Wire transfer payment option for PLN


Release 13th September 2022


  • Step-by-Step Report now includes optional legend for each step.


  • Shipment Legend in Print Reports can be turned on/off independently on settings in which it was generated.


  • Total volume percentage information for Pallets in the Step-by-Step Report and Excel export has been fixed.


Release 25th August 2022


  • Added Copy to Clipboard button on Public link created dialog (works also in Safari).
  • Enabled the possibility to run EasyCargo on mobile devices – new button Run Anyway under disclaimer notice. Utilizable mostly for public shipments view via a Public link.


  • Reports now open in the larger window according to the browser window size.


  • Corrected state changing of the Main Menu Public link button.


Release 21st June 2022


  • Order Form has now Country selection on the first page and the default Country selection has been improved.
  • Order Form design has been improved, Help button has been added.
  • The Payment Failed page design has been improved.
  • The design of the Forgotten Password result page and Signed Out result page has been improved.


Release 13th June 2022


  • New supported language – Turkish.
  • New supported currency – Turkish lira (TRY).


  • API documentation reviewed.


Hotfix 9th June 2022


  • The new pallet loading algorithm was fixed for square-sized pallets (cargo items had wrong result rotation).


Release 8th June 2022


  • Autoload report generation now waits for all cargo item textures to be fully rendered before taking a photo.


Release 31st May 2022


  • Exporting Reports into Excel now works even when report images are missing.
  • The “Show old report design” link was removed from Reports.


  • Fixed images not showing in old (over about 3 years) Reports.


Release 16th May 2022


  • Pallet loading algorithm – a new algorithm for loading single-type cargo items on pallets.
  • Automatic multi-load report generation – a new option in the Print window to automatically load the rest of the shipment items into other cargo spaces and generate a report for each load.
  • Pallets filter in Cargo spaces list panel.


Release 27th January 202228 Jan 2022


  • Pallet as a cargo space – a new Pallet cargo space is now available for basic usage. Common pallet sizes have been added to the Cargo Spaces catalog.
  • Added Microsoft Single Sign-On – users can now sign in (and register) using their Microsoft account.
  • When loading a shipment, potentially wrong usage of Priority Groups is detected, and the app provides help to the user.


  • The design of pages outside of the application has been updated.
  • Small boxes in small cargo spaces are now supported.
  • Top-row filters are now hidden to avoid possible confusion when creating a custom cargo space.


  • Show Weights buttons are now properly reset when changing cargo space.


Release 5th November 2021


  • Editing weight of cargo items in opened shipment now defaults weight entering mode to per piece instead of total weight.


  • Fixed all related issues when cargo item count is zero and weight is entered as total weight (weight distribution, print reports, manual loading).
  • Fixed occasional app crash when opening shipment with large loaded item count and changing a cargo space before the shipment has fully loaded.


Release 18th October 2021


  • Loading Size – usable CargoSpace size can now be adjusted for each Shipment. It can be made smaller or even bigger, which allows cargo to overhang the actual vehicle.
  • Banners for managing shipping documents were added to Print Reports and Shipments&Reports tab (new partner IncoDocs).


Release 12th August 2021


  • New design and revised texts of EasyCargo emails.


Hotfix 12th August 2021


  • Clicking on a Group in the Result panel colorizes items by group colors.


Release 10th August 2021


  • The first-run tutorial – now walks new users through the whole shipment creation process and shows more features.
  • Cargo item Groups in the Results panel now have Description notes shown.
  • Weight calculation is no longer limited to 1,000 items (the limit has been changed to 10,000).
  • Step by Step plan stays visible when changing camera views.


  • First-run with Imperial units now correctly displays imperial units everywhere in the application.


Release 24th June 2021


  • Cargo Spaces grid filters – multiple Types can be filtered at once. Name is being searched inside the text, not just at the beginning.


Release 5th May 2021


  • Cargo spaces list – Trucks are now shown collapsed as a default.


Hotfix 30th April 2021


  • Public link units – Cargo Items Result panel information now shows correct shipment units (before it was showing imperial units every time).


Release 29th April 2021


  • Shipment API filtering and pagination – Shipments listing can be now filtered by Created date and queried in page chunks.


Release 30th March 2021


  • Subscription discounts are now listed on invoices (applies for new subscriptions, not already running ones).
  • Order form – when there is an error during ordering, there is an added info with a link to the e-shop.
  • Order form – Added PLN currency.


Release 2nd March 2021 (21-02-26)


  • Order form – Contact e-mail renamed to the Billing e-mail.
  • Order form – Supplemental information for the Period length.


Release 7th February 2021 (21-01-13)


  • Cargo spaces are more user-friendly – all predefined and custom cargo spaces are now available all the time, the “Cargo Spaces Catalogue” concept was removed.
  • Favorite Cargo spaces – cargo spaces can be marked as favorite (each user has their own favorites), so they can be easily accessed from the top of the list.
  • Cargo spaces filter – cargo spaces can be quickly filtered by a type and by the favorite mark inside the application.
  • First-run Setup screen – on the first run, the user can select his most used cargo space types for straightforward access to the most relevant cargo spaces.
  • Predefined cargo spaces were revised and new ones were added.


Release 19th November 2020 (20-11-19)


  • Order form – fixed – Total price not being recalculated immediately after changing the number of licenses.
  • Cargo Items import review – rows with an error are now correctly marked with red color.


Release 7th October 2020 (20-10-07)


  • Bundling and minification of common scripts – faster first application load (highest impact on slow/long internet connections).


  • Registration form on Web – fixed wrong page format after clicking Register using e-mail instead.


Release 25th September 2020 (20-09-25)


  • Google Account – Users can now use their Google Account to Register and Sign-in to the application.


Release 17th September 2020 (20-09-09)


  • API – Shipment output placements – new API for getting the exact position and rotation of every loaded item in the shipment.


  • A better system of assigning licenses on the Users tab – just a single checkbox whether a user has a license assigned or not.
  • Order form – Year license option box on the 1st step now shows also Total price to be paid, not just the price per month.
  • Faster application page load
  • API documentation now explicitly mentions that the loading process cannot be initiated via API and must be done by a person.


  • Cargo Items import – importing a maximum number of items is now allowed, not just 250 as in shipment import.


Release 4th August 2020 (20-08-03)


  • Registration form – CAPTCHA was removed.
  • Registration form – Field for a phone number is back.
  • Order form – Currency ARS is now available only for Argentina and VND only for Vietnam.
  • Print reports – added tooltips for Constraint icons.
  • Faster process of loading Unity settings (you can start planning shipments sooner).
  • PayULatam payment gateway was completely removed and it’s no longer listed as an available payment method anywhere.


  • Value of 0 kilograms is no longer showing in grids as 0 m but correctly as 0 kg.


Release 29th July 2020 (20-07-15)


  • Activation keys – we are now able to generate software License keys. Users can activate the key in EasyCargo and get the related licenses or tickets assigned to an account. In our online store soon.
  • Excel import – there is a new option to import the item’s weights column as weight per item (not just as total weight).
  • Excel import – same items are now being automatically merged together, as users may not know to use the Pieces column and put the items in multiple times instead.
  • API authentication – there is a new option for authentication, with which the authentication token is not being bound to the caller’s IP address and so it can be used from any IP address during its validity. Useful for cloud and server farm solutions calling the API.
  • Terms and Conditions links are now being localized and redirect users to the proper language version on the web.


  • Shipment import – Import zero count items option didn’t correctly remember its last settings. This has been fixed.
  • Cargo items grid – the dimension/weight filters didn’t work correctly and now they have been disabled (because of the metric/imperial systems incompatibility issues). Ordering functionality is unaffected by this.


Hotfix 7th July 2020 (20-07-07)


  • Fixed crashing of public shipments


Release 25th June 2020 (20-05-22)


  • Cargo Items database – new functionality that allows users to import their most used cargo items into the application and easily add them into shipments. Management of these items is done on a new Cargo Items tab. In EasyCargo, these items can be simply added by entering part of the cargo item’s name in the editor, and all the item’s properties will be automatically prefilled from the database.
  • Cargo Items database API is also already available.


  • Print report new design unification – The Print report got a new visual design, which is the same as the new design used in Step by step report. For backward compatibility, there is a tiny link at the bottom of the report, which opens the report in the old design if needed.
  • The profile tab title shows just the name of the user and a Settings icon next to it.
  • API documentation link to a sample API client has been accentuated so developers cannot miss it.


  • Replaced awful black outlines around active text fields, buttons, etc. caused by new Chrome version 83.
  • Corrected sizes inside the form of a new Cargo space on the Cargo spaces tab for long-text localizations (Polish and others are now displaying nicely).


Release 19th May 2020 (20-05-19)


  • Step by Step load plan – click on a Cargo item or a Group in Result panel will jump to a step with a first occurrence of the clicked item.


  • Step by Step Report – fixed bug where removing loaded items via manual load resulted in the wrong count of loaded item pieces in the Step by Step Report legend.
  • Top Info panel – fixed bug where Loaded Volume information sometimes reported 0 instead of the actual value.


Release 21th April 2020 (20-04-17)


  • Default Shipment – users can now set any shipment as default (EasyCargo > Main menu > Save as default shipment). Such shipment will be automatically loaded at startup as a template for the new shipment. The default shipment can be reset by creating a New shipment and saving it as the default.


  • Adding of new Cargo space is now explicitly divided into two buttons – Add from the catalog and Create custom cargo space.
  • Newly created Cargo items and Groups inside imported shipment will continue the imported colour and label sequence until now it started a new sequence from the beginning.
  • Excel import now supports dimensions from 0.1 cm (was 1 cm) and the import review grid shows the decimal places.
  • Tiltable and Stackable columns in the import review grid were swapped to reflect the Excel import file ordering.
  • Rows of grouped shipments with multiple versions are now highlighted on mouseover using a different colour than single version shipments.


  • View menu on the right for changing current view angle or weight distribution is now scrollable for small monitor resolutions so it no longer overlays the control buttons.


Hotfix 10th April 2020 (20-04-10)


  • Fixed issue when Result Panel was closed after removing all cargo items in Manual Load mode, which made it impossible to load cargo items manually.
  • Reintroduced Weight Distribution Disclaimer text at the bottom of the screen, which dropped out in the last Step by Step release.


Hotfix 9th April 2020 (20-04-09)


  • Order Form – fixed enabling of Go To Payment button on Step 2 after entering VAT number in Firefox & Internet Explorer. Before it remained disabled and the user couldn’t proceed to the payment step.


Release 7th April 2020 (20-03-13)


  • Step by Step Load Plan – users are able to view a loading sequence of cargo items for any new or existing shipment. It can be viewed interactively in the application and also exported as a report. More in Journal post.
  • Export to PDF – step-by-step load plan report can be also saved as a PDF including all the images.
  • All of the functionality is also available through a public link to the shipment.


  • Dialogue for selecting measurement units on first login – fixed cropping of the text of some long localizations (Deutsch)


Release 30th January 2020 (19-12-20)


  • Export to Excel – from now on, any Print Report can be exported into a .xlsx file. The exported file contains all the load plan information and images and can be also imported back into EasyCargo.


  • Order form got 2 new icons for easier differentiation between Period and User count when ordering a license.


  • Incorrect password count is now being reset after each successful user login. Before the attempts just accumulated, so after some time, when the user entered the 5th wrong password, he was immediately blocked for five minutes.
  • API users now get correct error information when they try to create a user which email address is already registered.
  • Information about the active License period on the User Profile tab was fixed to not show negative day values, which happened in some cases.


Release 2nd December 2019 (19-11-18)


  • Weight distribution buttons can be clicked now again to hide shown weight distribution arrows. Helpful to have top/left/right load plan views without weight distribution arrows.
  • API documentation extended with information about the limits of the input values
  • API new function to  create new users within the company


  • The cargo spaces list scrolls automatically to cargo space used in the loading plan that was just opened.
  • Public link (share) icon in load planning environment updated to follow standard visuals.
  • Users tab – assigning/removing license to/from the user can be done also in the User edit form now.
  • Order license – Contact email address field accepts more recipients separated by a semicolon. Useful e.g. for adding an accounting department email address.
  • Invoices with EU trade space are now correctly marked with the note regarding the reverse charge.
  • A friendly reminder is now shown to the users when the weight distribution numbers are presented on load plan visualization. Even the best effort is done to provide a precise calculation of weight distribution, still, it is only a mathematical simulation.


  • Truck-tractor (prime mover, traction unit, or rig) correctly highlighted in the cargo space list, when opened loading plan with a semitrailer with tractor connected.
  • Random reordering of cargo items in the input list after opening/closing Cargo Item editor happens no more.
  • The print icon was enabled for no reason when a different cargo space was selected. This happens no more.
  • Free meters are calculated correctly when the “Shift to mass center” is activated.


Release 23rd September 2019 (19-09-10)

New + Improved

  • We have added five new cargo space types in the EasyCargo application, namely:
    • Semitrailer 2 and 3 axles
    • Flatbed 1, 2, and 3 axles
    • Truck 3 axles
  • Canceled orders now are hidden by default in list Company orders and invoices on tab Licences


  • Shipments and Reports – Import from Excel: In case blank spaces are accidentally entered in input values they are still processed correctly (i.e space before and after the valid value ” N/Y “). Previously it didn’t recognize the value and used the default setting instead.
  • Shipments and Reports – Import from Excel: From now on is not possible import item with a number of pieces less than 0 in the Excel import sheet.
  • When you open a shipment consisting of a semitrailer and a truck, it opens correctly including the truck. Previously, only the semitrailer was displayed.
  • Opening shipment according to specified steps led to displaying one item from the previous shipment. Now this problem is fixed.
  • CargoSpaces panel – When switched to another semitrailer, a truck icon is now highlighted properly.
  • The public shipment opens in the measurement system specified in the shipment.
  • GetFreePromoTicket link shows now easy to understand the error message.